Cloud services, the pros for cloud computing

cloud services

The cloud servers are the key for new cloud computing infrastructure. We will guide you through the cloud services main features and advantages. The first step is to answer the question, what is a cloud server? A cloud server is a powerful virtual or physical infrastructure to store and process information and applications. It is … Read more Cloud services, the pros for cloud computing

How to recover data you erased from your phone

Recover data iPhone

Nowadays, the smartphone is a device that we use in everyday life. We store huge amounts of personal data, from photos to documents. If we ever lose these data, it could mean chaos. But do not worry. There are certain ways to recover data that we erased. We must act fast in order to increase … Read more How to recover data you erased from your phone

My iPhone won’t turn on, how do I recover data from it?

Recover data iPhone

It’s normal to wish for our iPhone to be unbreakable, but it’s only a wish. An accidental bump, factory errors or even misuse may cause your device to stop functioning. If your iPhone suddenly stops turning on, do not despair. Your personal data and files are not lost, what you need to do is to … Read more My iPhone won’t turn on, how do I recover data from it?