Google Chrome makes APK secure download easier

APK secure downloads

The most popular web browser in the world brings a new security feature to download APK files easier. Thanks to this new update, Google Chrome lets you download APK files for your mobile phone in a secure an easier way. Mountain View’s browser scans automatically the files in APK format searching any kind of risk … Read more Google Chrome makes APK secure download easier

What are OTP, TOTP and HOTP codes and their differences?

Differences between OTP, TOTP and HOTP codes

Nowadays it’s very common for platforms and services to ask for a verification code to add a new security layer. OTP, TOTP and HOTP codes are three different protocols to generate one time only passwords. The differences in OTP, TOTP and HOTP are important to know more about how you protect your accounts. OTP, TOTP … Read more What are OTP, TOTP and HOTP codes and their differences?

Going to the office instead of remote working costs the same as food for two persons monthly in the USA

Remote working costs and benefits

According to a recent report, returning to office work needs to be carefully thought in order to prevent new problems. Remote working reduces costs for the employees and it’s a new strategy that industries have to take into account. Recently, several companies have asked their employees to return to the office. The 5 days routine … Read more Going to the office instead of remote working costs the same as food for two persons monthly in the USA

After almost a decade, eSIM is ready to kiss traditional SIMs goodbye

eSIM, size comparison

In 1991 the first SIM card appeared and the evolution of this technology has been slow. The eSIM alternative comes to change the paradigm and remove the physical card to give space to virtual cards. Besides, the eSIM allows a lot of new stuff that traditional SIM cards don’t. Right now, eSIM main use is … Read more After almost a decade, eSIM is ready to kiss traditional SIMs goodbye

 5 main motives for a choppy call

Motives for a choppy phone call

There are different reasons why you experience a choppy call from your Smatphone. It’s very annoying to talk and realize that the other part doesn’t clearly hear you. But before throwing your device against the wall, you may want to learn the main motives for a choppy call. That way you can learn why the … Read more  5 main motives for a choppy call

Why should you erase cookies frequently on your web browser

Erase cookies easily

When you are navigating the web you can frequently see the message asking to allow cookies in certain websites. These cookies are small files that generate each time you visit a web page. From an online store to a social network platform, they all generate cookies. You should erase cookies frequently in your web browser … Read more Why should you erase cookies frequently on your web browser

Set ChatGPT as your default search engine in Firefox

ChatGPT search engine in Firefox

In case you use Mozilla Firefox as your default web browser, you can set ChatGPT as the search engine. It’s a great option when you use ChatGPT services regularly as you can set it to activate automatically without having to enter the website each time. ChatGPT offers you answers that fully adapt to your needs. … Read more Set ChatGPT as your default search engine in Firefox

Comcast improves Xfinity Internet latency for gaming and video calling

speed internet

To meet the demand for faster Internet, where every millisecond counts, Comcast has decided to launch a new instant-response connectivity service, perfect for online gaming and video calls. Xfinity Internet Low Latency Under the Xfinity Internet brand, the company has introduced an optimized infrastructure that minimizes delay in data transmission, achieving remarkable fluidity on platforms … Read more Comcast improves Xfinity Internet latency for gaming and video calling

WiFi appears and disappears in your mobile phone, why is that?

Why does WiFi appears and disappears in your mobile phone?

WiFi network does not always work as you need it. It’s possible to have connection in certain devices but others that don’t work. If the WiFi appears and disappears on your mobile phone you may be experiencing some issues. When you know why the network is not working properly, you can take certain steps to … Read more WiFi appears and disappears in your mobile phone, why is that?

Do your cloud files expire?

Cloud files expire in different platforms

Using cloud services nowadays is a very common practice. There are several platforms such as Google Drive, Dropbox or Teracloud. However, an external service doesn’t allow you to completely control your files. If you save files in the cloud they can expire and you will lose them forever. In order to avoid this situation, you … Read more Do your cloud files expire?

WiFi appears and dissapears only in your mobile phone

WiFi issues with mobile phone

WiFi connection doesn’t always work as we want it to. It’s possible that certain devices like the mobile phone suffer problems when connecting to WiFi. You may notice that it gets slower or the signal is weak. If you see that the WiFi connection comes and goes in your mobile phone, it’s a good idea … Read more WiFi appears and dissapears only in your mobile phone

Voice Hacking, the new scam method through virtual assistants

The Voice Hacking method and how to prevent it

Have you ever received a phone call but no one answered on the other side? If the answer is yes, you may have been victim of an intent of stealing your voice. The Voice Hacking method uses your own voice and the virtual assistants to copy and perform several commands in order to commit digital … Read more Voice Hacking, the new scam method through virtual assistants