Free WiFi beaches if you visit Spain on your holidays

How to choose free WiFi beaches in Spain

Coastal cities in Spain usually inform through their official websites if the beaches have free WiFi connection. It’s a very important aspect for the tourists, and you can check it very easily through an Internet browser or using specialized apps. In case you are looking for a free WiFi beach in Spain, it’s also useful … Read more Free WiFi beaches if you visit Spain on your holidays

Do not make this mistake when protecting your bank account

How to use a bank account online safely

Protecting any Internet service account is fundamental. You must always use strong passwords, activate the two steps authentication method and make sure your device is protected. However, we sometimes make a mistake and we can put our bank account in danger or a social network service.  This article is about a common mistake when you … Read more Do not make this mistake when protecting your bank account

Scams you may suffer if you bought from Amazon and the package hasn’t arrived yet

The Amazon scams and how to protect items you bought

Buying goods on the Internet is very common nowadays. There are lots of platforms offering all kinds of products. One of the most popular services for buyng is Amazon and maybe you have already bought using this platform. It’s a very reliable service and it offers guarantee but hackers regularly try to make scam campaigns. … Read more Scams you may suffer if you bought from Amazon and the package hasn’t arrived yet

Make sure your cloud backup is safe

How to make a safe backup on the cloud

The daily use of cloud storage platforms can be very useful. It has several advantages like freeing local storage on your device, sharing options and security backup creation. However, those copies are not always safe. This article explores different ways to make sure your online files are secure. In order to have a safe cloud … Read more Make sure your cloud backup is safe

If you have bought tickets online recently your personal data may be in danger

Ticketmaster hack and the problems to buy tickets online

Buying tickets online on the Internet is very common nowadays. You can buy almost any product with just a few clicks. However, sometimes there are problems that may compromise your digital security. In this article we explore a leak on the Ticketmaster platform that has caused danger for several users around the world. It seems … Read more If you have bought tickets online recently your personal data may be in danger

The worst mobile passwords, PIN and codes that you must avoid

Create secure log-ins passwords

Choosing secure passwords is hard and we tend to forget them. So we end up using easy codes or PINs to log in our devices. Whenever we do this, we are making the job easy for hackers and cyber criminals. In this article we explore the worst mobile passwords and PIN codes that users have … Read more The worst mobile passwords, PIN and codes that you must avoid

What is the 7 days Gmail recovery feature

Gmail 7 days recovery feature

The new Gmail recovery feature reduces the risk of falling to scams and identity theft. Hackers are polishing their techniques every day, and online service providers have to deal with different threat strategies. Gmail 7 days recovery feature is one of the new solutions from Google to avoid data stealing. Phishing is the treacherous method … Read more What is the 7 days Gmail recovery feature

Avoid using your PIN 100 times a day with a Smartwatch

Smart Lock from your Smartwatch without PIN

Smartwatch users usually wear it all day long. The reason to be of a Smartwatch is helping the user to complete certain tasks without the mobile phone. The watch also includes unblocking capabilities and you can use it to bypass the PIN input every time. In case you want to keep certain screen block features … Read more Avoid using your PIN 100 times a day with a Smartwatch

AI uses to prevent spam on your e-mail

Use AI to prevent spam

Artificial Intelligence is more present in computing each day. There are several AI tools available and you can use it for different activities. However, hackers and cyber delinquents also make use of the new developments in technology. New uses such as AI to prevent spam can save your time on the e-mail management can also … Read more AI uses to prevent spam on your e-mail

Millennials are the main target for phishing attacks

Phishing attacks and the millennials community

Cyber delinquents want to steal your password to access accounts and services. According to cyber security company Egress the age of the user is relevant when choosing target for a phishing attack. The habits of certain users to emails, SMS or social media messages determine the vulnerability to certain type of attacks. A phishing target … Read more Millennials are the main target for phishing attacks

Best way to save a WhatsApp chat using Telegram

How to export a WhatsApp chat to Telegram

If you want to save your WhatsApp chat you should activate the Google Drive security backup. But it’s also important to save your chats manually to avoid any mistake when copying your conversations. There’s an option to manually export your chat to an independent file but the best alternative is using Telegram to save WhatsApp … Read more Best way to save a WhatsApp chat using Telegram

Your personal data is at risk when using dating apps

Some of the dating apps and the risk for personal data

Using dating apps has become a popular activity nowadays. However, this type of software can be really dangerous. Your personal data may be at risk when you use dating apps because the APIs tend to be extremely intrusive. Almost all apps collect user data. From Google Maps location tracking to WhatsApp for contacts and image … Read more Your personal data is at risk when using dating apps