If you are one of the regular users of Telegram, you should be familiar with the Telegram bots. These are very useful and the app has been putting them to work really well. The Telegram bots helps users to jump over to these messaging apps. The channel option works similarly.
There is an extensive list of bots, and each one of them has a feature on its own. We are explaining the general function of these artificial intelligences, how do they work and what can they do. Here you will find a list with the most popular ones.
What is a Telegram bot?
In paper, we are talking about a user we can interact to. But behind the user, there is no human, only an AI. The Telegram bots receive orders and act accordingly. You can even chat or add them in your contact list if you want to.
The bots are created through the API and automate processes. They have been on development 7 years ago, and they are still improving. Users can create bots to ask for information, to set reminders, play music or to make orders in an online store.
How do Telegram bots work?
In Telegram you have different robots, and each one has a function on its own. You can use them independently from your mobile device System, whether its iOS or Android. The chatbot has advantages for the company and for the user.
From the company point of view, it analyzes the message submitted by the user and gives a response according to the keywords. From the user perspective, you can set the chatbots for different actions. You can incorporate them to a group chat or give them orders directly.
- Bot activation
- To make it easy for bot activation, you should have them in your Contact list.
- Open the Telegram app.
- Select the Search button.
- Introduce the name of the bot you want.
- Start a conversation with it.
In the chat windows you will see the orders you can give to each of the Telegram bots. You can also select the chat you want the bot to work on. To call a bot upon an open chat:
Introduce @+ (the name of the bot and a keyword).
Some Telegram bots to help you
First we have to know what bots are and what they do. it’s time to search those that pick up our interest. In this list you have 30 different alternatives:
Newfileconverterbot: it’s a bot that helps you turn your files to other formats. Start a chat, upload the document and select the output format.
Botfather: a bot to learn how to create and manage Telegram bots.
Gmailbot: a Gmail client with a clear and easier to manage interface. It connects you to your Gmail account and lets you read and send mails directly from Telegram.
Spotify_to_mp3_bot: as the name implies, it turns the songs from your Spotify account to MP3.
SkeddyBot: the best of Telegram bots to create reminders and alerts. You have several commands to remember activities.
Gamebot: a bot that gives you access to multiplayer games to enjoy with your Telegram contacts.
Tadam_boto: similarly to Shazam, it works by letting you identify a song that is playing.
Airtrack_bot: this bot lets you track in real time any plane around you.
BabelgramBot: with this bot you can translate immediately any text. You can introduce the text or activate the bot in a group chat.
Filetobot: a cloud storage system we can use as a private space directly from the app interface.
TexTSbot: one of the most useful Telegram bots that turns any audio file to text.
Voicybot: the opposite of TexTSbot. It turns any text to voice and audio.
IMDB: this bot lets you grab information from your favorite movies or series directly from the IDMB web page.
FancyCharsBot: it lets you change the text font by only pasting the text.
RAEBot: you can ask for definitions and any doubt about the Spanish language.
More bots to optimize Telegram
- Pdfbot: Telegram bots also let you open, edit and work with PDFs as well as manage documents. Pdfbot does just that, in an easy way.
- MisSeriesBot: a bot to keep updated about your favorite series, new episodes release and news.
- StickerBot: find the best catalog of stickers to apply in your conversations. Telegram was one of the first apps to make use of stickers.
- ImageBot: this little program will let you find any image with its integrated search tool.
- AndyRobot: one of Telegram bots developed to learn new languages.
- Gamee: in the same fashion as Gamebot, Gamee is a game bot. Itlets you play and have fun alone or with our contacts.
- Mp3Toolsbot: a bot designed to edit MP3 files. You can cut and edit them using the bot and set the MP3 as your ringtone.
- Alertbot: set your alarms and reminders with Alerbot.
- MiTrackingBot: if you buy online, you can keep track of your packages with this bot. It helps you to locate, track and follow your packages independently from the post service.
- Amazonglobalbot: a channel to find the best Amazon offers and descounts.
- Dicebot: a bot that throws a dice and shows the number on screen.
- HotorBot: a chat to meet people nearby.
- Exchangeratesbot: the bots shows you the exchange rate for different currencies in real time.
- Imc_calculator_bot: introduce your physical data and obtain the muscle mass index without calculators.
- RandomChatBot: a bot that lets you get in touch with other Telegram users randomly.