Link Baiting strategy in an image

How to use a link baiting strategy

Obtaining links from other websites to our own it’s not an easy task. The Link Baiting strategy helps users to expand a Link Building process. In order to make a good Link Baiting strategy you have to put your links naturally in other webs, working organically for the readers to visit your web.

It’s not an easy task, but it’s also not impossible. When learning about Link Building strategy and Link Baiting, you start creating content with a point of view totally different. In this tutorial you will find several ways to make a good Link Baiting selection.

How to make a good Link Building strategy

What is Link Baiting strategy?

Link Baiting is a SEO technique centered around creating high quality content that other editors will link organically. You need to create unique content, so interesting that the web developers will want to link you naturally. If you can do Link Baiting correctly, you will get links from other websites and make your web more visible for users.

Differences between Link Building and Link Baiting

Link Baiting can be considered a strategy inside the bigger Link Building method. Whereas Link Building centers on getting links from other webs by contacting developers, Link Baiting points toward organic links. The main idea is to make great content that other creators and users will share on their own.

A good Link Baiting strategy can make your content really popular and recognized. Google pays a lot of attention to organically shared content and you can obtain a better position for your webpages as well as authority in certain topics. The links not only help your SERP classification, it also increases the general authority of yur web through PageRank. It’s a great tool to make your website competitive faster.

The Link Baiting strategy lets the user control the quality of each publication. Follow these tips to obtain good quality content and make interesting articles for readers to share.

How can you make a good Link Baiting strategy?

First you need to establish clear objectives for your strategy. Depending on the inbound links we want to get, you should determine what you seek:

  • Dominion Authority.
  • Content Vitality.
  • More visibility in our audience niche.

All of these elements are related, but a good strategy prioritizes one or the other. According to our main objective we can write better quality content. You also need to consider the following analysis levels:

Statistic Analysis: it’s important to know which keywords you want to position and check the competitors.

General Analysis: you should also take into account the general analysis of your content focus. That way you can determine the idea you want to explore for your audience.

Steps for a Link Baiting strategy

There are some general guidelines when doing Link Baiting. The idea is to get more people to our web through interesting content. The creation is very subjective, strictly related to the author and it’s style.

The link must have an attractive visual bait

Nowadays the users relate to content mainly through visuals.  The image must be attractive for the reader to click and consume your material. If the bait is not attractive the reader will not share the content or will stop midway the process. A good image helps the user to synch reading, visual and the desire to share.

Be creative

A key point in a Link Building strategy is to be original and creative. The way we express our ideas must be interesting for those who read it and watch our images. Originality is a way for making your posts different for anything else your competitors have to offer.

Search for the news

Another good way to make your content shareable is to focus on new information. It’s hard but you can get more opportunities to write about relevant topics even if there is less information around.

Content that doesn’t expire

Another trick for Link Baiting is to create not expiring content. The idea is to write about topics that users can search for and learn even after time goes by.

Use relevant data for your Link Baiting strategy

The users want real and truthful content. For a good Link Building strategy you should use honest content and real data.

Generate debate

The interaction between users is important in order to have a good health website. If the readers debate in the comments section it means that your content generates a desire to express their opinion. It has more chances to be shared that way.

Use visual aids for your Link Baiting strategy

Use multimedia content

Another option for interesting content is to use quality multimedia resources. You can use music, videos or Prezis in your posts.

When you design a good Link Baiting method your SEO can be considered of good quality and useful. If you don’t work towards that goal, the users will ignore your content regarding it as SPAM.

Apply Link Baiting strategy to get more links

The different strategies and techniques to apply a good Link Baiting are related to the content we create. If your Link Baiting works you will receive backlinks to your site.


Infographics help you to create Link Building but it also can be used as Link Baiting. If well used, it can help you to reduce the content to one image. You can express your content visually for the readers to find it more attractive.


Maps are another visual add to improve the content of your web. This format is relatively new and you can improve the position of your web.


You can generate quality content through videos. It’s a resource that requires time and planning for better results. You can share your content through YouTube or TikTok to reach more audience.


Your content can also become viral if you dedicate to tutorials and step by step guides for users. Teach your readers to do several things and create non expiring content related to software, technology, music or any topic you like.

Funny content

A good Link Baiting strategy can be obtained through funny content. If you make posts with a funny touch or without solemn tone the readers will feel more comfortable.

Make lists and Tops

Users love Tops and lists of best videogames, cheaper objects and more. It’s a type of content with high search rate in the web.

Investigations and polls

Polls and investigations about certain topics are also very popular on the web. You must dedicate time for a good quality investigation but if you make it with multimedia resources the result will be even better.

Relate your content in Link Baiting strategy

The content in your posts must be integrated organically. If not, the chances of getting shared get lower.

Offer free gifts

Make your content go viral using marketing campaigns. You can give free prizes and create contests for the users.

Search users participation in Link Baiting strategy

A good Link Baiting strategy makes the users share and comment on your web. You must look for content that invites readers to express their opinions.

Search what other webs are linking

Use Ahref tool for a good Link Building and Baiting experience.

Before we create our link bait, it is a good idea to know which pages are linking towards our competitors. After finding the pattern we can design a step by step guide to execute Link Baiting actions.

  1. Open Ahrefs and search the topic by writing the correspondent keywords.
  2. Read the general description of SERP.
  3. Find a similar post with several reference dominions and click on Backlinks.
  4. Look the Anchor and destiny URL to see the similarities.

You should choose those webs which you want to contact after detecting the good DR grade. The content should be interesting for your own post.

How to claim web links

Claim web links is an important task for our Link Building strategy. During this process we can find, fix and replace broken links. Our link profile is very important to claim links, always keeping quality and SEO power in our backlinks.

The link claim is a process to clean our SEO and make the web more efficient. You can find broken pages and improve the quality of your content. Ahrefs lets you analyze the broken links and decide what to do with them.

  1. Enter Ahrefs and select Site Explorer tab.
  2. Introduce the domain and select the magnifying glass tool.
  3. Enter the lateral tab that reads “Broken links”
  4. If you want to recover some of the links you can introduce a new one.

In order to make a good Link Building or Link Baiting strategy we need to get good content for our page. It’s also important to know how Google algorithm work in order to obtain a good score in the system.

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