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Create your own Word style with a few steps

When creating a series of documents, it’s important to use the same style in Word text. That way you can easily show the information we want to focus on. Word offers you several styles in the gallery, but you can create your own if the default styles don’t satisfy you. Create your Word style is a fast process.

World styles let you give you format to a selected text automatically. You can select a font and size as well as the color, centered or aligned and bold or italics. You can customize all the options that make Word the most used text processor in the market. There are several Word alternatives in the Internet but Word is still the most complete one tool.

Word create your own style

How to create a Word style

In order to create a new Word style and add it to the default ones you have to follow these steps:

  • Open Word app.
  • Select Start Ribbon and press Styles.
  • In the bottom corner you can see all the available styles and press on Create a style.
  • Choose a name for your style. It’s important to choose a name for us to identify the style faster.
  • Press on Modify to start customizing the options for our own Word style.
  • Select between paragraph, character, chart or list styles.

You can select if your style will be used to create titles from 1 to 9, quotes, bibliography or descriptions. It’s also possible to set the format of the following paragraph and alternate between styles automatically, Anchor text and other features.

In the Format tab you can select font and size and other aspects such as alignment, sangria and space between paragraphs as well as font color. Press the Accept button and the style will be available to choose from the alternatives styles in the Ribbon. You can remove any style you want by right-clicking and selection Remove from the styles gallery.

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