How to get more storage space for your photos

Get more storage space without deleting your photos

The ominous message of insufficient storage space in the mobile phone is very common. The user has to eliminate different stuff from the device until the message disappears and more than once you need to say goodbye to photos and videos. However, there are other alternatives you may check before erasing your multimedia files.

In order to make the most out of your storage space, you have to check among the different kind of files inside of it. There are several apps and other tools that can fill your storage memory pretty fast. Nowadays, a 64 GB device falls short so you should aim for a 128 or 256 GB model. You will pay a little more for the phone but you won’t have to be erasing files every week.

The storage space in Android

Obtain more storage space and keep your photos

There are other alternatives to save storage space without deleting your photos in the Smartphone. In this list we explore the different methods to get more storage space without touchin videos or photos in your gallery.

Erase apps you don’t use

The Smartphone is full of apps. Some of them are very heavy and you may not use them regullarly. There are games and social networks such as Call of Duty Warzone or TikTok,or Gensin Impact that easily weight over 1 GB. When you sum up all of them, your 64 GB memory space is no more. The best solution is to uninstall those apps you don’t really use.

Be careful with your downloads

While surfing the Internet you may download different files. At first you won’t notice any problem, but after several months each new little file sums up. There are also compressed files that occupy space and after a while you have your storage space memory full of different types of files. You can enter the Download folder of your device and manually eliminate the files you don’t use.

Erase cache memory

Before uninstalling and app you may want to erase the cache memory. It’s a good opportunity to eliminate the small files that compile your Internet surfing information. Apps like Instagram or TikTok can save up more than 1 GB of cache memory. From the settings menu you can see the amount of cache memory of all your apps and erase the ones you select.

Use a MicroSD card

The best solution to increase your storage space and get more of it without deleting photos is using a MicroSD. These cards work as an external storage device that you put into your phone to save photos and videos there. By using a good MicroSD card of 512 GB or 1 TB, you can keep saving your files with no worries at all.

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