Ticketmaster hack and the problems to buy tickets online

If you have bought tickets online recently your personal data may be in danger

Buying tickets online on the Internet is very common nowadays. You can buy almost any product with just a few clicks. However, sometimes there are problems that may compromise your digital security. In this article we explore a leak on the Ticketmaster platform that has caused danger for several users around the world.

It seems that more than 500 million clients are exposed because of a security leak. The hackers stole names, address and payment information from the Ticketmaster database and it’s on sale on the Dark Web. The hidden forums on the Internet are the place where hackers try to solve this kind of information to other hackers.

Buy tickets online and the problems with Ticketmaster hacking

Ticketmaster client stolen personal data and its dangers

The stolen information from the Ticketmaster leak is published on the BreachForums forum. There are more than 1,3 TB of data from 560 million accounts of the famous Internet platform. The price of the database is 500.000 dollars.

According to the media the hackers originally tried to sell the database to Ticketmaster to no avail. The company didn’t accept the blackmail and now the information is on sale on the Deep Web. It’s a very common strategy that hackers use to gain money from the company they attacked. Up until now, there’s no official communicate about the situation. It’s unknown the real impact of the leak and there’re suspicions about a publicity campaign for the hackers and the BreachForums community.

How to act you bought tickets online recently with Ticketmaster

In case you’ve bought a ticket with Ticketmaster recently or some years ago, your personal data may be exposed. Your password and payment data may be partially exposed. So the best course of action is changing your log in password. If you repeat your password in other services, you may also need to change them only to be sure.

If you create a new password you can avoid intruders from accessing your account. It’s the first step you must take whenever you suffer a leak in any online platform. It’s also important to check your billing details in Ticketmaster. In case you have some data bank information, it’s important to check for fraudulent charges. You should also cancel the card definitvely. Buying tickets online is very secure, but sometimes hackers find a way to breach the online platforms and your personal information may be exposed. It’s not that common but you should take some security steps to avoid it.

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