The Amazon scams and how to protect items you bought

Scams you may suffer if you bought from Amazon and the package hasn’t arrived yet

Buying goods on the Internet is very common nowadays. There are lots of platforms offering all kinds of products. One of the most popular services for buyng is Amazon and maybe you have already bought using this platform. It’s a very reliable service and it offers guarantee but hackers regularly try to make scam campaigns. Before the item you bought from Amazon arrives, you can be the target of different attacks from cyber delinquents and scams.

It’s important to detect the scam, even though they can be very well planned. Sometimes they arrive randomly but there are also times when the scam coincides with a buy you recently made. The scams for item bought from Amazon may include some kind of invented risk with your order. The hackers try to make it sound like they are talking truthfully about your goods.

The most common Amazon scams

Typical scams for items bought through Amazon

In case you encounter one of these scams, the best you can do is to ignore them. You shouldn’t click on any suspicious link and avoid downloading files from strange mails or messages. If you do so, the hackers may take control of your account. These are the most common types of Amazon scam messages.

Your order hasn’t been delivered

The first scam model is a mail or SMS indicating that the item you bought from Amazon hasn’t been correctly delivered. They write that the postman reached your home but there was no one there, or that the mail company had a problem. These mails arrive even if you haven’t bought anything. As buying from the Internet is so popular, the hackers send the message waiting for some users to pick up the bait.

Don’t click on any link and avoid introducing your personal data. If you do so, the hacker will steal your personal information. It’s a common Phishing attack with a strategy that makes you think that your Amazon order is missing.

Data mistakes and scams in Amazon bought items

Another common scam model states that you have introduced wrong data in your order. The SMS or mail indicates that the delivery company requires updating your personal information. Again, do not share any data with this kind of emails or SMS. The hacker’s goal is to steal your personal data and passwords.

The payment hasn’t been correctly processed

Finally there’s a possibility that Amazon or other online shopping platforms can’t process your payment. But the message will arrive officially through the app not by SMS or mail. If you receive a message stating that your payment is not accepted, try checking your official account. You should never answer directly from a mail or SMS.

If you have bought something from Amazon and receive a mail or SMS with this advice, it’s normal to have doubts. Try checking the official channels and do not click on any link. The Phishing attacks are the most common tool for hackers to try and steal your data and money online. It’s important to have patience and be extremely careful to avoid any surprise.

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