All about Luigi's Mansion games and where to play them

Where can you play Luigi’s Mansion games?

Mario world of videogames includes several spin-offs. One of the most popular ones is the series of titles starring Luigi, Mario’s brother. The Luigi’s Mansion trilogy is even better than some Mario games according to some fans.

The franchise Luigi’s Mansion has earned the love from fans all over the world over the decades. It differentiates from the platform gameplay of the Mario games and offers an action adventure approach. To celebrate the launch of Luigi’s Mansion 2 HD we explore which consoles are available to play all of Luigi’s Mansion games.

The bosses of Luigi's Mansion games

Luigi’s Mansion, the first and origin of the spin-off saga games

In order to talk about the origins of Luigi’s Mansion games, we have to travel back 20 years to the past. The Nintendo GameCube was the main console of the great N. No one expected Luigi to be a good character for a videogame. He was seen only as the Green Mario. But the idea of Luigi saving Mario in a haunted house became a great idea.

The game is very funny and it received a Nintendo 3DS port recently. It’s one of the master pieces of the GameCube era that reached our days. Even today the deep and the use of three dimension graphics is one of the best of the franchise.

Luigi’s Mansion 2 Dark Moon

In 2013 Luigi’s Mansion 2 Dark Moon arrived on Nintendo 3DS. It was a great success, improving almost all the gameplay aspects of the original title. The 3DS effect was excellent and you could explore the map and find all kinds of secrets. The game also has a HD remaster for the Nintendo Switch coming soon.

Luigi’s Mansion 3

The trilogies are very common in multimedia franchises and Luigi’s Mansion is no exception. Luigi’s Mansion three arrived on the market on 2018 for the Nintendo Switch. It’s a good title that shows that Luigi has nothing to envy Mario. It’s a very funny and dynamic game.

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