Trump's assasination attempt effects

The effects of Trump’s assassination attempt on the crypto world

The former president of the United States was injured at a rally in Pennsylvania. The effects of Trump’s assassination attempt raised his chance of retaking the White House and there are even crypto memes that have escalated in price after the incident.

But the politics and the Internet are also affected by Trump’s injury. When the news appeared at the afternoon, the X social network overflowed with conspiracy theories that have Donald Trump as the main protagonist. The social networks are extremely volatile and there’s a great mystery around the shooter’s motivation. What does the Trump’s assassination attempt really mean?

The election after Trump's assassination attempt

Conspiracy theories about Trump’s assassination attempt on X

Elon Musk, X owner, posted that he will fully endorse Donald Trump. It’s an interesting approach in the social network environment as it advocates for the free speech approach that may even include misinformation campaigns.

The main theory about the reasons for killing Trump is called “great replacement”. It’s a white pride theory indicating that those who want to kill Trump are trying to erase white American population. On the other hand, there are those that analyze the shooting and state that it was all a set-up to increase Trump’s popularity.

The meme crypto

There’s also a funny crypto originated as a meme. The TRUMP crypto rose 40% in comparison with the US dollar. It’s a great moment for those who bought the crypto inspired in the Republican candidate. Besides, the TRUMP crypto is also a benefit for those who support the former president. The markets may trust that Donald’s victory may be good for the economic situation in the United States.

The odds of victory at its highest

After the assassination attempt and the conspiracy theories, there’s also the odds of victory and the numbers. According to Polymarket, there’s a 70% chance that Donald Trump will become the new president of the United States. The audience sees him a survivor and as a true American that can endure anything. At least that’s what a vast majority states in the Internet and after the shooting.

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