Tips when WhatsApp doesn't work

False WhatsApp groups and how to avoid them

It’s possible that someone has put your number in a false WhatsApp group. These groups tend to be fraudulent and it’s very common to find yourself into some odd-looking group where you didn’t ask to be.  You may even find the content strange to your likings or interests.

Maybe you are in a crypto based group or a chat about investments. Is it dangerous? Well, it may be suspicious. In this article you will learn what you need to avoid and when to leave a group of this kind. You have to remember that hackers try to steal your data through different methods. These groups are a tool for them to befriend you and try stealing your data.

The dangers of false WhatsApp groups

The risk of false WhatsApp groups and their proliferation

Appearing on a WhatsApp group that may be a fraud is not a risk immediately. The true danger starts if you commit an error. For example, you should never interact in WhatsApp groups you don’t know about or you suspect to be false. Do not open any link or post they share. If you can, abandon the group immediately.

It’s very common in this kind of groups to find prizes, supposed offers or draws. They want to call your attention and make you fall into the trap. If you open a link in a false WhatsApp group, they can access your device or even steal your passwords and logins. It’s very important to quit false WhatsApp groups fast to protect your mail or social networks accounts.

If they ask you for certain data, don’t answer and remove the group. Specially if it’s a group with several users. It’s very common for hackers to hide among other contacts you may know. Common sense is the most valuable characteristic in this kind of groups. On the first hand, if you don’t share any information, they won’t be able to steal anything.

Avoid WhatsApp false groups

The best option to avoid risks is quitting any false or strange WhatsApp group. Don’t expose your mobile phone number and even if it’s a random group, do not interact with them. You also shouldn’t share your phone number on social networks. Hackers explore accounts in search of these kinds of data. If you make a mistake and share that number, it’s possible that you will start appearing on false WhatsApp groups.

You can also set your WhatsApp to avoid introducing your number in a group. In this configuration any user that wants to use your number in a group must ask you before. Go to privacy settings and select that only your contacts are available to put your number in a WhatsApp group. That way you are protecting your account from hackers.

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