Summer Internet fee saving

Tips to preserve your Internet fee in the summer

There are certain moments of the year when you use mobile data more. Summer is one of those times when you need to preserve your Internet fee. In this article you will find some tips and recommendations to make the most out of your Internet fee mobile data plan everywhere.

In case you use a restricted Internet fee, you may find a few GB for using Internet outside your house. Just a few days are enough to spend all your mobile data available. You can even experience less connection speed or even Internet browsing limitations. But there are some things you can do to avoid the issues.

How to preserve your Internet fee in summer

Don’t spend all your Internet fee in your mobile phone

You must have a strict control over your mobile data connection to avoid Internet fee issues. Avoid using streaming apps with mobile data and don’t download photos and videos from the messaging or social media apps.

Put updates on hold

It’s normal to have automatic updates turned on in a Smartphone. But when you are not using WiFi connection, you should deactivate it. Put your apps on manual update mode to preserve your Internet fee plan. The best setting for a Smartphone is downloading the update packages when you are connected to a WiFi network. Depending on the size of the update you can save several MB or even GB.

You can set manual update for your devices in Windows, Android and iOS, as well as other operating systems. When you do this, the app or system requires your direct order to start downloading an update package.

Download de content previously

A good idea to save your mobile data connection is downloading content previously. In case you are out of your house for several days, download videos, photos and other content to watch it directly from your local memory.

The tip is downloading most of the content directly to your mobile phone with WiFi. Then you will be able to watch series and movies in your phone even when WiFi is not on. Another advantage is that you reduce cuts because the file is fully downloaded in your phone.

Reduce streaming quality

If you are using a streaming app with mobile data connection, reduce the resolution and image quality to preserve your Internet fee. The mobile phone screen quality is not that good to fully discern between 720p or 480p. But the reduction of data consumption is high.

Be aware of social networks

Social network apps are of the most used in mobile phones. And when you are not connected to a WiFi network is usual to read and watch posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. However, you need to prevent your Internet fee for skyrocketing and reduce social network usage. A good idea is to set videos and photos to only download when you are on WiFi. If you don’t set this, your data mobile package will run out really fast.

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