The new feature WhatsApp user name

WhatsApp user names are coming so you won’t have to share your number

Nowadays, if you want to chat with someone using WhatsApp you need to share your telephone number. However, the messasing app is working on user names. With WhatsApp user names you will be able to start a conversation without having to give or ask for a telephone number.

Last year WhatsApp user names were introduced as a new feature but there were no news about it. They are still on their way and it seems that they will be available soon. It seemed like artificial intelligence new features were the only update but WhatsApp user names are still alive.

The new feature of WhatsApp user names

WhatsApp user names and the phone number alternative

Thinking about privacy on WhatsApp, sharing a phone number doesn’t seem very smart. That’s why WhatsApp user names are such an interesting proposal. You can use user names to start a conversation even if you don’t want to share your number with a stranger. Other messaging alternatives such as Telegram use the nick or user names to keep the phone number hidden selectively.

WhatsApp is working in this new feature but it’s arriving late. The support for user names in WhatsApp will link your account directly. Other users can contact you directly by sending a message to your user name and you preserve your phone number.

It’s one of the most important changes in privacy for WhatsApp history. Another issue that will arise is the battle for the best user names. WhatsApp has more than 3.000.000 users all around the world. It won’t be easy to choose a not used user name.

The app will ask you to validate the user name before assigning it. When you register a user name in WhatsApp Web the system asks you to check if it’s available. There’s also a message stating that others won’t be able to reach you if they don’t know your user name.

Everything is ready for the implementation of WhatsApp user nicknames. It’s a good idea to start thinking about the user name you want to choose. You may have luck and get it.

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