Customized Google Maps download

A trick to download maps from Google Maps and customize size

Google Maps lets you download maps to consult them without Internet connection. It’s a very useful feature when you visit places with bad mobile data coverage.  There’s a trick to download maps in Google Maps and customize the size for a better visualization.

Unlike older GPS devices, Google Maps lets you choose customized regions and save them easily on your mobile phone. You can download maps directly from Google Maps and them customize the size to make the most out of your mobile screen. It means more flexibility when adapting the map to the aspect ratio on your phone.

Google Maps customized designs

Download maps in Google Maps for offline visualization with customize features

First you can select and download a map in Google Maps in the vertical and default mode. You only need to touch the profile photo and enter Maps with no connection. Google Maps usually downloads the local area where you live. But you can also select any other part of the world for offline consults.

Press the Select your own map and you will see a highlight zone with the same size of your screen. You can download the vertical box but you will notice less information when you zoom out.

In case the geography doesn’t fit your screen, you will need to download several offline maps next to one another. But there’s a trick to select customize features and sizes for your map downloads. By doing so, you can download maps that cover a better radio accordingly to your needs. The standard vertical map will always have more terrain in north and south than east and west.

Save an offline horizontal map

In case you want to download the horizontal version of a map, you only need to spin your mobile phone. Rotate the device and use it on landscape mode and download the offline map.

On the Download map option you will see the preview as a landscape version of the zone. By using this trick you can download all the north of Spain in just an offline map, for example. And you won’t have to overlap vertical maps.

Download a square offline map

If you want to download a square zone of the map, it’s also possible. But you need to open the app in split mode. Each mobile phone does it in a different way. It may activate with a button or using the Split screen mode in Google Maps. Select the second app and adjust the Google Maps screen to fit the size you need.

You are manually creating your customized offline map in Google Maps in just a few clicks. The squared version of a map allows you to have the same amount of terrain on the four cardinal directions.

After downloading the map, the files will stay updated and you won’t need to use the split screen method anymore. Users are expecting Google to modify the process in the future to make it simpler.

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