How to avoid people entering your Instagram account without permission

Common mistakes that may expose your Instagram account

Hackers are always on the look for social network passwords and other sensitive information. If you use Instagram regullarly, there are some mistakes you have to avoid to protect your account. Hackers want to steal your identity and scam your contacts. They may steal your Instagram account and try to deceive your friends to steal money.

It’s very important to avoid mistakes to prevent your Instagram account from falling into hackers hands. They make identity theft and reach your contacts to steal their information. Keeping your social networks accounts private and secure is the best way to use Internet safely.

Instagram account mistakes and how to prevent them

Instagram is one of the most popular social networks nowadays. Hackers are always on the look for vulnerabilities. They can use different strategies, but they always require you to make mistakes in order to access your Instagram account. With the strategies in this article you can prepare yourself and reduce the opportunities of making mistakes.

If someone gets into your Instagram account he can read your private messages. It also has complete access to your contact list and it can send false links or steal your identity. Hackers may also start posting false advertisements or insulting quotes.

Phishing attacks

The most common cause for Instagram hacking accounts are Phishing attacks. It’s a kind of attack that arrives on SMS or e-mails. Basically the hacker tries to lure you to click on a link and make you write your password.

There’s always some kind of excuse. Your login data is not working or you need to update your personal information. It’s important to never input your password from email or SMS links.

Weak password

Another mistake for hackers to gain access to your Instagram account is the usage of weak passwords. It’s the most common mistake. You choose a password from an important date or maybe the name of your pet. To prevent hacking you need to select a complex password. Random passwords are the best option. It’s also a good idea to avoid using passwords that you’ve already used in other services.

Enable two steps authentication

If you don’t have the two steps authentication enabled you are making a big mistake. It’s an extra layer of security for your device. Even if the hacker knows your password, you have to give access to external users. The best advice is to activate two steps authentication in every service from social networks to streaming apps. It’s a great barrier to prevent Phishing.

Malware infections as Instagram common mistakes

In case your device is infected with malware, your Instagram account may be exposed. A keylogger, for example, can collect the passwords you input and send them to the hacker’s server. Be aware of the programs you download and always use official sources.

Avoid malware by installing a good antivirus and detect problem and issues with the speed of your device as soon as possible. These are the most common mistakes you can avoid to protect your Instagram account and use social networks safely.

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