How to prevent malware virus attack on your phone

11 signals that warn you about virus attack on your phone

Malware attacks on your Smartphone are very dangerous. There are certain signals you need to be aware of to prevent a virus attack on your phone. If you don’t protect your device, you may be exposed to hackers and all kinds of cyber attacks.

A virus attack on your phone can take many shapes, from malware to spyware or even ransomware. You have to be careful when downloading games or movies from suspicious websites and pay attention to signals of infection. In this article you will find a list of the most common symptoms of an infected Smartphone.

A virus attack on your phone

Signals that indicate your phone is under a virus attack

The most common symptoms that evidence a virus attack on your phone include sudden windows opening, slow performance of the device or reiterative fails. In this guide we explore the most repeated ones.

Random popup windows

One of the first signs of an infected phone is the random popup window appearance. If your mobile phone is suffering a virus attack it will probably start with popup windows. Most of the time they show inappropriate content or warning messages about false virus infections for you to click on bait messages. If you open one of those links, it’s probable that your system will truly get infected.

Slow performance on your device

If your Smartphone suddenly gets slower it may be a signal of virus attack. All viruses consume system resources and that’s why your mobile phone may start getting slower. In case you notice your web browser takes too long to load, it may be an indication of infection.

Blocking and recurrent fails

Malware also causes your phone to block or fail regularly. It happens because there’s an overload in the operating system files. If there are lots of malware apps running in the background the errors are even more recurrent.

Camera light on

Sometimes your camera light stays on and it’s a signal of virus. There’s malware that uses your came without your consent. A hacker may be using the camera or microphone in order to steal your data and privacy. Make sure the green led light that shows your camera is on use is off.

Storage space reduced because of a virus attack on your phone

Malware tends to occupy lots of memory space on your device. If you suddenly find yourself with less storage space for no apparent reason, it’s possible that you have a virus in your phone. Good news are that after removing the malware you will recover your storage space, at leats in most of the cases.

Landing page changes on your browser

There’s an specific type of malware that attacks your web browser changing its settings. The landing page is the first symptom you will notice because it will change without your consent. It’s one of the clearest signs of a virus.

New extensions and apps you didn’t install

When you suffer a virus attack on your phone, it’s possible for a hacker to install new apps and extensions remotely. It’s very important to check your apps regularly to find any strange situacion beforehand. Make sure you only keep installed those you use and recognize.

Web browser redirect

Another signal of a virus attack on your phone is the redirection t strange web sites. Malicious software can alter your browser behavior and take you to false websites. The main objective is tricking you to input your personal data and steal it.

Increase on mobile data usage

If your phone suddenly starts using more mobile data than usual, it may be a signal of virus infection. The hackers use your Internet data connection to send stolen information or communicate with other servers without your control. If the data usage in your devices increases with no reason, check your phone for viruses.

Suspicious log in attempts to your accounts

When you start receiving notifications of log in attempts very regullarly, it may be a virus infection. Your personal data may be compromised because of malware. Hackers love weak passwords and they are always trying to decipher them and steal your account.

Battery discharges very quickly

If you notice your battery discharges faster than usual, it may indicate a virus infection. The malware tends to run different processes simultaneously and they consume too much energy. It’s important to discover if the battery is running out because of old age, too many open apps or a malware infection.

How to eliminate malware from your device

Removing malware from your Smartphone is not easy but you can do it successfully and eliminate any track of virus. First you should install an antivirus app. Avast and Norton are two of the most popular ones and they include free versions in the Google Play Store.

Another thing you have to do is eliminate any suspicious app. Go to your device settings and revise all the installed apps you have. Remove any you don’t recognize or you have downloaded recently but you aren’t sure about. If the virus is rooted too deep, you may not be able to remove the infected app.

The latest alternative is restoring your device to factory settings. The process eliminates all your personal data and apps but it will make you recover the control over your phone. Remember to make a backup copy of your important personal files before restoring your device with factory reset.

After the reset, keep your operating system updated and be careful with the apps you download and the websites you visit. It’s the best way to avoid virus infection on your device.

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