Marketing trends and strategies

Effective marketing trends for 2024

As the end of the year gets near, new marketing trends start taking over the sector. In 2023 there were lots of changes and innovations in customers, marketing strategies and tools. That’s why we are starting to see the new marketing trends and their effectiveness in 2024.

The latest marketing trends for digital commerce will impact in your daily life. It’s an interesting way to check how possible changes along the year will increase competition as well as the reaches of certain products and marketing strategies. In this article we explore how marketing trends appear and how they impact on potential customers.

Marketing alternatives and strategies

How do marketing trends originate?

In marketing, every so often there are rumors about new trends and their impact in advertisement strategies. The topic is repetitive but relevant for the marketing sector. Enterprises, brands and work teams analyze what they had done during the year and the behavior of potential customers. There’s also an opportunity and risks analysis before establishing certain strategies.

The most important part of the analysis in marketing trends comprehends understanding which factors increase the appearance of new trends. In order to determine this there are three main factors that interrelate. Those factors are:

Technological advances

We live in a technological world. One way or another a lot of our daily activities require technology in some way. You can manage your schedules with Calendly or Doodle; we research through Google; or use Amazon to buy online. Technology influences new marketing trends and we live in a society that massively adopts certain practices. For example, the Smartphone or the recent generative AI development.

Algorithm changes in social networks and web browsers

Social network algorithms change constantly. That’s also true for search engines ones, like Google. The way these tools index, position and present content vary for the user to find better quality content easier.

Digital marketing professionals are always working with these changes because they affect positively and negatively their content and campaigns. They can affect the ones you’ve already posted and the future ones. Studying the algorithm is essential for a successful advertising campaing.

Consumers’ behavior changes

As time goes by, consumers’ change their preferences as well as the expectative they have on products and services. It’s very normal. People change and they start taking into account things that they didn’t before. Nowadays, the consumers are more attentive to security and digital privacy. They also require more transparency about data recompilation and usage. It’s also common to receive demands for more fluid and customized user experiencies.

Which are 2024 marketing trends in the digital world?

In 2023 the AI arise was the most important marketing trend. It changed how companies made their advertisement campaigns. The integration and sophistication of AI work is one of the key elements for 2024.

Generative AI incorporation

In 2024 the generative AI is expected to be fully adopted massively. All technology sectors will use and take advantage of generative AI platforms such as DALL-E or ChatGPR or Bing. This will also modify how digital marketing reaches the audience. One of the new digital trends is the full integration of AI into several company activities. It can be used to segment clients, analyze keywords or customize the client experience.


The next step in what is already known as storytelling. Through storydoing we don’t only tell but also make. It’s a way to get clients closer to the product and services of a brand. The main idea is creating experiences not speeches. Storydoing is a dynamic focus for customer loyalty. There are three main elements in storydoing.

  • Have a purpose.
  • Generate an experience.
  • Place the client as the main protagonist.

The perfect example is Apple. When they presented the Apple Watch Series 9 they used several testimonies of clients whose life was changed by the device.

Video marketing trends en 2024

In the last months, brands have confirmed that audiences are very receptive to the audiovisual format. They like to receive information about products and services through an everlasting emotional connection. Videomarketing has been increasing since 2020 and thanks to TikTok and reels, it’s growing even now.

User generated content

Today advertisement is not the most popular trend. Recent polls indicate that 96% of the users don’t trust traditional ads. They believe that media lies. So there’s a debate about how new trends or products are made known.

User generated content is one answer. It’s all kind of content produced by clients or users and it is centered on the product itself. The content is made voluntarily and it can take the form of opinions, stories or comments.

The most valuable aspect of UGC is the expression of a real opinion of your brand clients. It can also analyze the impact on the life of each client of certain product. In marketing trends, it’s one of the most important ones. UGC can also grant you some benefits such as:

  • More engagement and loyalty from clients.
  • More knowledge about your audience.
  • Low investment content reach.
  • Visual recognition for your search

Probably you have already done this but you don’t know. A lot of searches are made with images and not with words. This marketing trend started with Google Lens, the Google app centered on machine learning.

The technology allows for searches where you don’t need to input any text at all. With only a photo or image, you can have the search engine working. When you train visual recognition, your devices start working even more efficiently.

Influencers’ marketing

Influencers have become very important figures for brands and companies. They have the power to invite people into buying different products or services in a natural way. Thanks to TikTok and other social networks, the influencers have become popular as TV celebrities. 2024 is the consolidation year for marketing trends for influencers.

It’s a sector with increasing possibilities and according to experts, there are influencers with reaches that go from 1000 to10000 people. Even with shorter audiences, they have influence over them as the public is very loyal to each influencer.

Brands can find important opportunities on influencers. Each one has a unique style and there are several ways to collaborate.

The marketing trends with more impact for the near future

2024 is the year of automation in digital marketing. AI tools will make the adoption of artificial intelligence platform a common thing in almost all economic activities. The benefits of AI will make automation become even more popular among technology users. There will also be a great increase in storydoing, UGC and voice marketing. The main goal of marketing companies is to reach the audiences with a trustworthy proposal.

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