Content marketing and attraction strategies

Attraction marketing characteristics and examples

Nowadays, selling goods and services directly is not as effective as in the past. Rejecting those ads that interrupt our idle time is a fact. That’s why attraction marketing strategies are starting to grow in popularity. It’s a alternative that works as an integral communication strategy.

In a nutshell, attraction marketing is like a subtle invitation that has power to catch the attention and awake imagination and interest from the audience in an effective way. Consumers today are looking for more, not only a product or service. They want a solution for their problems and an emotional connection with the brand. In this article we explore concepts, characteristics and examples of attraction marketing and how to create your own campaign properly.

How does attraction marketing strategies work

What is attraction marketing?

Attraction marketing is a strategy focused on bringing potential clients to the brand, product or service through the creation and distribution of useful and relevant content. It contrasts with traditional ads that interrupt your experience and only want to sell directly. The attraction method tries to establish a significant connection with the audience and then brings answers to several challenges.

Instead of chasing the clients actively, the main objective of attraction marketing is giving useful information to make the audience come to the brand naturally. There are different channels to achieve it. You can make an attraction strategy on social networks, videos, blogs, podcasts and other content platforms. You can mix it with educational, funny or inspiring contents alike.

The final goal of attraction marketing is turning the visitors into clients, and then into brand defenders. It’s a positive feedback cycle that you can make use of to improve your brand popularity. This marketing strategy wants to gain attention and interest from people through genuine value and not only selling them goods.

The relation between Inbound Marketing and Attraction Marketing

Both styles are strongly attached. Sometimes you can use one or another indistinctively. Inbound marketing is a more specific term that describes the methodology and tactics you can use for attraction marketing goals.

It’s based on creation and distribution of attractive content through SEO, leads qualifications, social networks, blogs and e-mail marketing. It is designed to attract, turn into, close and surprise potential clients through all the buying process.

Attraction marketing is a broader concept that relate to the philosophy of attracting clients with valuable content. Inbound marketing only refers to the specific practice in digital tactics. The main characteristics of attraction marketing include:

  • Content centered.
  • Integral digital presence through different media.
  • Interactive options for a dynamic approach.
  • Emotional connection with the potential client.
  • Permission Marketing concepts and strategies to receive offers and other attractive content.

The different moments of attraction marketing

This marketing strategy includes different moments that are very relevant to guide the potential client through the buying experience. From content creation to social media and SEO, we explore and describe all of them.

Content creation

This moment focuses on quality content creation. It includes e-mail writing, blog posts, e-books as well as other publishing alternatives to share valuable information about the brand and products.

SEO optimization

During these step the marketing experts work on the content optimization for search engines. The main objective is have a good position in Google. There’s a lot of work with identification and strategic integration of keywords.

Social media

Social networks are essential for attraction marketing strategies. They represent the best platform to interact and share content with the target audience. Content generation in platforms like Instagram and Facebook helps to make your brand popular and increase the client base while generating new sells.

Broadcasting actions

In this part of the process the objective is to amplify reach and visibility of the brand through different initiatives. You can make public relations, press releases and collaborations with other digital influencers, for example. These are actions that help your brand and project to have more presence on the social media network.

Main channels for marketing attraction

The platforms where you can perform attraction strategies with more chances of success include websites, blogs and social networks. There’s also the possibility of a good e-mail campaing. Here you will find the best options to start your own marketing strategy.

Blog and website approach

These channels are the central platform for creation and broadcast of quality content. You need to attract your clients to these hubs and guide them during the buying experience from here.

Social networks

Using X, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn you can easily share content and interact with your audience. Remember that each person is a potential client if you know how to approach them. Use social networks to strengthen your brand identity.

E-mail approach

The e-mail is an effective tool to send customized content and massive messages to potential clients. Beware of creating spam because it’s not a good image for your brand.

SEO for a better position at search engines results

Google can identify relevant content in your posts as well as the needs of the audience. If you make a good job answering the potential clients doubts, you will increase your chances of appearing at the first positions of Google searches. It’s very important to make your brand and products popular.

Attraction marketing in social networks

Nowadays, social networks are an essential part of marketing strategies. They can help your brand to interact and become recognizable for the potential clients. It’s also the field for direct and customized interaction.

In attraction marketing for social networks you have to think about creating and broadcasting valuable content to attract attention and increase the interaction. You can make informative posts, use attractive images, exciting videos and interactive polls, for example. The brand needs to have a fast and close interaction with potential clients and social networks are excellent for that.

Paid Media and attraction marketing

You can also use paid ads as part of your marketing strategy. These ads are directed to specific segments of audience. They use demographic data, interest and behavior to increase the effectiveness.

When you use Paid Media the attraction marketing gets boosted to increase visibility, create quality leads and improve the conversion rate of advertising campaigns.

The best examples of attraction marketing in use

Attraction is a digital marketing strategy that not only focuses on channels but on the communication aspects as a whole. What we say and how we say it, and how does it project the brand to make it popular. An illustrative example of these can be found in a marketing agency campaign specialized on SEO.

They created and event to show their service and attract companies to improve their digital presence and increase sells. The event provided national and international professionals the opportunity to share knowledge and experiences. The event had an entry fee and there was no direct sell of a product or service, but it had several aspects of an attraction marketing experience and it was a success.

  • It gave information and knowledge to the potential clients. It generated value.
  • Community building.
  • Interaction.
  • Brand positioning.
  • Organic lead generation.

This is a great example of how attraction marketing can be effective to build relationships with your audience and improve the brand presence on the market. In conclusion, marketing strategies like attraction ones, do not exclude other alternatives. They complement your approach to quality content and brand positioning. They help to humanize and allow for a more connected approach to the needs of the user.

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