How to securely set sport apps

Be careful with sport apps, all the information they got about you

Sport apps that register your daily activity are very popular nowadays. Although they are useful to save information about your running, cycling or any other sport activity, they can also be a risk. Sport apps also serve as inspiration because you can see the routes of your friends and family, but you may be exposing too much information on the network.

A good practice is to learn how to set privacy and security when dealing with sport apps.  If you input personal data into a sport app, you must know which information will be shared. They are not insecure apps, but the information may be too exposed if you don’t set it up properly.

Sport apps configuration

Sport apps and the information management

Sport apps store a lot of information as time goes by. You can register how many kilometers have you made and your average speed. But they also show other information such as calories lost, hearth frequency, weight and height. Do you really want all that data to be freely available for others?

Personal data

When you register in a sports app you have to input your sport activities and personal data. From your name and surname to address and other information. You can also link your sport apps to other social networks such as Instagram or Facebook. You need to set it up properly in order for the data to be secure. If you don’t pay attention, all your personal data will be available for strangers.

Location information

Sport apps register your real time location. It’s logical because the GPS function covers your routes and indicates how many kilometers have you travelled. But it’s sensible information so the configuration allows you to limit how this data is shared. Take you time to set the location data reports in order to protect your privacy.

Daily habits registered in sport apps

Using fitness apps hackers may know which daily habits you have. They can check your schedule and the time you use for sport activities. It’s very important to check the information you share in your sport apps profile. That way you can be sure nobody follows your daily routine.

The devices you use

When you use sport apps like Strava, you can also see the information of the user devices. It can also include sport watch features, heart rate monitor features or the knickers you use. If you don’t want your devices to appear online, you have to set it in your profile. It’s basic information you should hide in order to avoid any unwanted surprise.

Check your profile configuration before starting using sports apps and you will be protected against hackers and stalkers. Physical activities apps are very useful but they record information that can be dangerous if not correctly managed.

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