News on Apple ban for WeChat rumors

Apple banning WeChat may jeopardize the company survival in chinese territory

Trading relationship between USA and China is on the brink of exploding. Every day there are rumors about measures and countermeasures between both countries. Apple has a very strong presence in China and the banning of the WeChat app may jeopardize its position.

Apple has factories and other services in China, and the latest rumors indicate that iPhone models will be banning WeChat app from the store. The WeChat app is an alternative for WhatsApp and it’s also present on Western countries. However, it’s most popular on China and now there are strong indications of its banning from the iOS environment.

The ban of WeChat in Apple

Apple and the statements on WeChat banning in Chinese territory

Back in march, National Audience from Spain forbade the use of Telegram. That’s because the platform hosted property right protected content unlicensed. The prohibition lasted only a few days and the app was never blocked, but the controversy is still active.

If a popular but secondary app like Telegram generated this level of controversy, what would happen with WhatsApp. That’s the equivalent to WeChat in China. Thousands of WeChat users in Chinse territory are expecting the final decision from Apple.

The source of the rumor is unknown. It may be intentionally leaked from Apple or from WeChat, but China Daily and other news portals posted statements from Apple representatives. The spokesperson only said “It’s just a rumor”.

The general consensus is that WeChat banning from Apple environment is very unlikely. If Cupertino company takes a decision like that, the sales will strongly fall. And they are not that high either.

WeChat banning in China may be a scandal

Apple is going through a very delicate moment in China with rivals like Huawei stealing the high end share of market. Apple’s income is dropping and the latest trimesters have been rough. Although they are growing in other territories like India, China market is another giant to take into consideration.

Around 20% of Apple income depends on China. It’s an important portion for an international company like Apple. If they ban WeChat from iOS, Android will grow thanks to companies like Huawei and Xiaomi.

The rumor will probably remain like it. Apple opened a WeChat online store earlier this year and it would mean a great shock for users if they suddenly ban WeChat from iOS. The permanent retaliation menaces from USA are the only reason for the rumor to become true. But there are no signals.

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