WiFi connection doesn’t always work as we want it to. It’s possible that certain devices like the mobile phone suffer problems when connecting to WiFi. You may notice that it gets slower or the signal is weak.
If you see that the WiFi connection comes and goes in your mobile phone, it’s a good idea to check the reasons. You may be experiencing speed issues or connecting problems with your Smartphone.
WiFi stability problems in your mobile phone
It’s important to notice that WiFi stability problems may also affect your computer. But it’s more common for WiFi to malfunction in a mobile phone. Some alternatives for these issues include the following tips.
Use 5 GHz band
If you are using the 5 GHz band you may experience WiFi mobile phone problems. It’s a band for faster connection but it gets easily affected by distance. And mobile phones are devices that we tend to use away from the router.
When you move around the house the WiFi network may appear or disappear from your mobile device options. The best solution is to have a router with switching bands settings. The 2.4 GHz band has more reach and it’s capable of evading most of the obstacles you find at home or in the office.
Interference zone
Another problem with WiFi and mobile phones is the interference from other devices or obstacles. If there are certain devices on, the WiFi signal may disappear or get affected. Most of the devices use the 2.4 GHz band and you may saturate the connection.
It’s also possible that your own neighbors generate interferences. When more devices are connected, it worsens the network functionality. Choosing a good WiFi channel is a good alternative to reduce problems.
Distance is too big
The distance to the router also affects the WiFi signal in a mobile device. In order to get a better wireless connection you should use repeaters or be close to the router. You may also consider using a mesh system to improve the signal reach.
Mobile phone problems
Finally, you have to consider if your mobile phone WiFi chip is failing. It can also be affected by malware or other software issues. Keep your phone updated and use a good antivirus to prevent hackers to affect your device.