Elon Musk job interview question

Would you lie in a job interview? Elon Musk would detect it

Elon Musk is known worldwide because he’s the mastermind behind Tesla, SpaceX and X (formerly Twitter). He’s a multimillionaire with great presence on media. Recently he has talked about work and how to detect people that lie on a job interview.

“Tell me one of the hardest problems you had to work with and how did you solve it”. This is the magic question for Musk in order to detect liars or honest people. In the selection process for a job, the millionaire has to protect his investment and doesn’t hire anyone. The key is in the details according to Elon Musk.

Avoid to lie in a job interview

Don’t lie in your job interview with Musk

Those who have faced and solved complex situations can describe step by step solutions.  On the other hand, those who invent usually focus on generalities or get stuck trying to explain in a detailed way.

Even though it may seem that Elon Musk technique to prevent applicants that lie in a job interview are his own original method, they are backed up scientifically. It’s based on cognitive psychology explanations, because those experiences you have lived are more vividly remembered that those that you invent or exaggerate.  It’s one of the possible applications of AIM or Asymmetric Information Management.

Deep Work method for productivity by Elon Musk and Bill Gates

Two of the great minds of the technology industry have a similar way to improve productivity. It’s called Deep Work and it involves eliminating distractions to allow a complete immersion on fundamental tasks.

Bill Gates, the famous creator of Microsoft, has been using this method through his career to improve productivity and getting results at work.

Deep Work starts identifying and eliminating any distraction source at the work environment. For example, mobile phone notifications, social networks or any other thing that makes you lose your focus.

Then you have to apply time blocking. It’s a technique that divides the time in different objectives you need to complete. You can assign certain hours of the day to complete writing tasks while you call on the phone and solve other stuff at a different time. The best option is to have an intensive day with flexible intervals for resting.

Other tricks to avoid a lie in your job interview

When you go for a job interview a lie may sound tempting. However, the people interviewing you are trying to know you and they can use trap questions to expose you. The best alternative to get the job, is preparing yourself for certain questions and answer them honestly.

If you had to answer Elon Musk question, you should start briefly describing the hard momento you experienced. Focus on the type of work you are applying for. Comment how you solved the situation and always put your leadership skills and working under pressure abilities.

Another trap question is related to company policies. Sometimes you have to work in an environment where the policies are different to what you would do. Identify which policy you are not comfortable with and try to state your point without highlighting negative issues. It’s important to make your point and keep it professional.

The best you can do in a job interview

According to Google recruiters, the best way to have success in a job interview is being honest. Don’t lie about what you ignore. It’s better to show yourself eager to learn than master of things you don’t know. Those who talk a lot but don’t say anything are the worst when dealing with a job interview in a giant tech company. Spontaneity is the key for a successful job interview.

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