How to avoid battery drain on your Smartphone

Identify which apps drain your battery

When buying a new Smartphone one of the main features to look upon is autonomy. In order to keep your battery in good health and avoid energy drain, you need to check how your apps work. In this article we explain how to make the most out of your battery life and apps in order to have a better autonomy.

If the apps drain your battery it’s time to optimize energy consumption. There are certain settings you can improve to get a better performance. For example, you can work with screen configuration to avoid excessive brightness and reduce energy drain. There are certain apps that work in the background that you can also  modify.

Improve your Smartphone autonomy

Avoid battery drain because of apps in your Smartphone

When you have an app running in the background, it affects your Smartphone autonomy because the apps are always on. Notifications, real time updates and other app features are also responsible for a faster battery drainage.

There are certain apps that consume more resources than you would initially think. You may notice that your battery lasts less than usual when certain software solutions are running.

The first step is to identify which are the apps that consume more energy from your device. Depending on each app, you have certain settings to limit energy consumption manually. For example, you may not want to reduce WhatsApp background running but you may limit social network apps or even a videogame.

Generally, any Android Smartphone has a Battery menu when you enter the settings menu. There you can examine the list of apps and see which of them drain more resources when running in the background.

Once you find the app that drains battery the most, you have different options. You can put the app into deep sleep mode and avoid energy consumption until you open it. There’s also the uninstall alternative to erase it from your device. Finally you can select limit resource consumption and update it occasionally in the background.

Samsung Galaxy battery drain apps settings

  1. Open the Settings menu and select Battery menu.
  2. At the bottom of the screen you can see the apps you have installed and the energy consumed.
  3. Enter the app you want to limit and select Limit background running.
  4. You can also choose Suspend or Deep sleep mode.

Xiaomi devices settings

  1. Open Settings and go to Battery.
  2. Check the app list and select Close the app after 10 minutes in the background.
  3. You can also select Restrict background apps.
  4. It’s also possible to uninstall the app directly from the list.

Screen usage, heat and having too many apps open at the same time are the most resource consuming activities for your phone. Take care of your battery to improve autonomy and battery life.

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