Several times you may have heard about ARM and x86-64 architecture. These are two denominations for processors that are really different. They include several unique features. It may sound difficult to understand but it’s interesting to learn about ARM architecture and x86-64 to choose your next device.
In the PC hardware world there is lots of stuff to learn. If you are starting to explore this world, you need to differentiate between ARM architecture processors and x86-64 ones. The speed of advances is too fast and you may get lost easily if you don’t know the basics.
The differences in ARM and x86-64 architecture
The processor architecture is a set of instructions for the chip. This is necessary for basic mathematic calculations as well as moving data. In order for a program to communicate with the processor, there’s a need for a common language. That assembly language that translates the instructions is the architecture. While x86-64 processors use a set of complex instructions (CISC), ARM architecture uses a set of reduced instructions (RISC). CISC chips have a heavier workload and they sacrifice clock cycles to perform each task. RISC chips on the other hand decompose each step into simpler ones to execute each task in just one clock cycle.
Instructions and logic of both architectures needs to be stored on transistors. But RISC chips allows for less transistors because less clock cycles consume less energy. The advantages of CISC come from the faster response when changing from a programming language like C to the processor assembly language.
In a few words. ARM architecture offers a better energy efficiency but it`s harder to work with heavy data. On the other hand, x86-64 architecture handles data better but it consumes more energy. That’s why you tend to find ARM chips in mobile devices that focus on autonomy, and x86-64 on desktop devices that use more power.
Which architecture is better ARM or x86-64?
It will depend on the use you will give to your device. ARM architecture offers more useful portable devices with an energy consumption 4 times lesser than x86-64 devices. This kind of devices use RAM and GPU directly from a chip. If you choose x64 and x86 processors you will have more power at your disposition, but you will also need more energy to run it.
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