Windows 11 settings

9 things to change when you install Windows 11

Installing a new operating system always include a series of settings and configurations you need to revise. Windows 11 will be the only Microsoft OS with official support at the end of 2025. So there are certain setups to change when you install Windows 11 in a new device.

Optimizing your new operating system implies a new user experience. If you want to quickly adapt and make the most out of it, it’s important to change the settings when you install Windows 11 according to your own style. In this article we recommend you 9 things you should customize for the operating system.

Change Windows 11 settings when you install the system

Key configurations to change when you install Windows 11

Enable clipboard record

This is one of the most useful features as it saves everything you copy to the clipboard. It’s extremely easy to activate as you only need to press Windows + V and click on Enable.

Change default apps

Windows has its own default apps to perform certain actions. For example, the web browser is Microsoft Edge. But you can customize your user experience and change your default apps by clicking on the search box on the bottom right corner. Write default apps and set them up as you prefer.

Disable background apps

Windows 11 runs in the background some default apps but you can deactivate this feature. Background apps consume resources and they may affect your computer performance. Just write “background” in the search box and disable the apps you don’t want to keep running all the time.

Manage privacy settings and change when you install Windows 11

Data compilation is enabled by default in Windows 11 but you can change it. If you don’t want to save this data write “privacy” on the search box and open Security settings. From here you can disable which data experience is stored by Microsoft.

Uninstall bloatware

Bloatware refers to default apps that manufacturers install in your computer and are usually useless. You can uninstall bloatware from the apps windows in Apps and characteristics. Manually uninstall all the software solutions you don’t need.

Disable startup apps in Windows 11

Startup apps in Windows 11 are those that start running along the operating system. Most of the time these apps are not that necessary. You can set them to open only when you manually order them to start. To do this press Ctrl + Shift + Esc and open the Start tab. There you can enable and disable the apps you want to run at the startup.

Restore system configuration

This is a basic security tool for your device. You can set restore system points to restart your computer operating system from a certain point in time. If you set the restore system configuration correctly you can recuperate your operating system even if starts failing.

Set your security backup copy

Create a security backup copy for your operating system in order to protect it from any malfunction. You can restore 100% of your files and settings and it’s very easy to do. Just write “security backgrup” in the search box and create it.

Block unnecessary ads

Windows 11 operating system tends to show some service recommendations that some users consider invasive. In Settings – Privacy – General you can disable them.

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